Installed Software
- Last updated on 2015-03-16.
- Up to three latest versions are listed. The default is shown in bold if it's not the latest version.
- See output of 'module spider module_name' for a full list of provided versions.
Name | Version [1] | Website | Category |
AbInit | 6.12.3, 7.10.2 | [1] | Quantum Chemistry, DFT |
Abyss | 1.3.4, 1.3.7, 1.5.2 | [2] | Biology, NGS |
AFNI | 2011_12_21_1014 | [3] | Biology, Statistics, Imaging, Neurology |
Agalma | 0.2.1, 0.3.5, 0.5.0 | [4] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Genomics, SNP |
ALLPATHS-LG | 42316, 44837 | [5] | Biology, NGS |
Amber | 11, 12, 14 | [6] | Simulation, chemistry |
AMOS | 3.1.0 | [7] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
ANNOVAR | 20130321 | [8] | Biology, Genomics |
Atlas | 3.10.1, 3.11.17 | [9] | Library, Math |
Amuse | 6.0 | [10] | Astrophysics |
Affymetrix Power Tools | 1.15.0 | [11] | Biology, Genomics, Microarray |
ARC | 20140312 | [12] | Biology, NGS |
Astral | 4.4.4, 4.7.6 | [13] | Biology, Bioinformatics, NGS, Phylogenetics |
AtomEye | 3 | [14] | Material Science |
ATRAM | 20140624 | [15] | Biology, NGS |
Augustus | 2.6 | [16] | Biology, NGS |
BamBam | 1.0 | [17] | Biology, NGS |
Bamstats | 20140602 | [18] | Biology, NGS |
Bamtools | 2.1.1 | [19] | Biology, NGS |
BamUtil | 1.0.2 | [20] | Biology, NGS |
BayesRate | 1.3.43 | [21] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Bbcp | | [22] | Network file transfer |
Bcftools | 20140618 | [23] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
BEAGLE | 3.2.2, 4.0 | [24] | Biology, Genetics, Genotyping |
BEAST | 1.7.5, 1.8.1, 2.1.3 | [25] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Bedops | 2.4.2 | [26] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Sequence, NGS |
BEDTools | 2.16.2, 2.17.0, 2.23.0 | [27] | Biology, NGS |
BEST | 2.3 | [28] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
BETA | 1.0.5 | [29] | Biology, NGS |
BFAST | 0.7.0 | [30] | Biology, NGS |
Bismark | 0.7.4, 0.7.7, 0.13.0 | [31] | Biology, NGS, Methylation |
Bioconductor | Latest | [32] | Biology, R, Statistics |
BioPerl | 1.006901 | [33] | Biology, Perl |
PHYLDOG | 20130418 | [34] | Biology, Genomics, Phylogenetics |
Phyluce | c561dd9 | [35] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
BioPython | 1.59 | [36] | Biology, Python |
BLASR | 20130815 | [37] | Biology, NGS |
NCBI BLAST | 2.2.27, 2.2.28, 2.2.29 | [38] | Biology, Sequence alignment |
Blast2go | 2.5.0-20120705 | [39] | Biology, Annotation |
BLAT | 20120524 | [40] | Biology, Sequence alignment |
Blender | 2.63 | [41] | Graphics |
Boost | 1.49.0, 1.53.0, 1.54.0 | [42] | C++, Library |
Bowtie | 0.12.9, 1.0.0, 1.1.1 | [43] | Biology, NGS |
Bowtie2 | 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5 | [44] | Biology, NGS |
BPP | 2.2, 1.9.0 | [45] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
BRANCH | 1.8.1 | [46] | Biology, NGS, Mapping |
Bsmap | 2.74, 2.87 | [47] | Biology, NGS, Methylation |
Bwa | 0.6.1, 0.7.11, 0.7.12 | [48] | Biology, NGS |
Camino | 20140723 | [49] | Biology, Neuroscience, Imaging |
CAP3 | 20120705 | [50] | Biology, sequence assembly |
CASAVA | 1.8.2 | [51] | Biology, NGS |
CD-HIT | 4.6 | [52] | Biology, Genomics |
CDO | 1.6.1 | [53] | Climate |
CEAS | 1.0.2 | [54] | Biology, Genomics |
CellProfiler | 2.0 | [55] | Biology, Image Analysis |
CGATools | | [56] | Biology, NGS |
Charmm | 36a3 | [57] | Simulation, Chemistry |
Chartdirector | 5.1.0 | [58] | Graphics |
Chimera | 1.7 | [59] | Biology, Modeling |
ChromEvol | 2.0 | [60] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
CIMS | 4.1.2 | [61] | Biology, Genomics |
Circos | 0.63-pre11 | [62] | Biology, Visualization |
CisGenome | 2.0 | [63] | Biology, Genomics, Peak Calling |
Clann | 3.2.3 | [64] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
CLHEP | | [65] | High Energy Physics |
ClonalFrame | 1.1, 1.2 | [66] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
ClustalW | 2.1 | [67] | Biology, Genomics |
Cluster3 | 1.52 | [68]] | Biology, Genomics |
Clview | 20130402 | [69] | Biology, Genomics |
CMake | 2.8.8,, 3.1.0 | [70] | Programming, Build System |
CNVSeq | 20110715 | [71] | Biology, NGS |
Coevol | 1.3c, 1.4b | [72] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
CoMap | 1.4.1 | [73] | Biology, Genomics |
CONCOCT | 0.3.1 | [74] | Biology, Genomics |
Consed | 23.0 | [75] | Biology, Genomics |
Coreutils | 8.23 | [76] | GNU Utilities, Computer Science |
covNMR | 2014 | [77] | Biochemistry |
CUDA | 4.2, 5.5 | [78] | Programming, Graphics |
Crux | 1.40 | [79] | Biology, Mass-Spectrometry |
Cufflinks | 1.3.0, 2.0.2, 2.2.1 | [80] | Biology, NGS |
Cutadapt | 1.1, 1.7.1 | [81] | Biology, NGS |
DAKOTA | 5.4.0 | [82] | Computational Science |
DaPars | 0.9.0 | [83] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
DCMTK | 3.6.0 | [84] | Biology, Neuroscience, Imaging |
DSSAT | 4.5 | [85] | Biology |
DDSCAT | 7.3.0 | [86] | Astrophysics |
DDT | 4.1.0, 4.2.1 | [87] | Software |
Delft3D | 3621 | [88] | Hydrodynamics, Physics |
Desmond | | [89] | Simulation, Biology, Chemistry |
Dalton | 2011 | [90] | Quantum Chemistry |
Diamond | 0.5.1 | [91] | Computational Biology, Genomics |
Dibig Tools | 1.0 | [92] | Bioinformatics, PBS, Torque, Jobs |
DiffReps | 1.55.4 | [93] | Biology, NGS, ChIP-Seq |
Dindel | 1.01 | [94] | Biology, NGS |
DIYABC |, 2.0.3 | [95] | Biology, Genomics |
Dlpoly | 4.03.4 | [96] | Simulation, Biology, Chemistry |
DNA Clust | 3.0 | [97] | Biology, Genomics |
Dock | 6.5, 6.6 | [98] | Chemistry, ligand binding prediction |
DOT | 2.0 | [99] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Docking |
Doxygen | | [100] | Programming, Documentation |
DSSP | 2.2.1 | [101] | Biology, Molecular Dynamics |
DTI-TK | 2.3.1 | [102] | Biology, Neurology, Imaging |
EA-Utils | | [103] | Biology, NGS |
ECTools | 20140311, 20141201 | [104] | Biology, Sequencing, Bioinformatics |
EEGLAB | | [105] | Biology, Matlab |
EIGENSOFT | 4.2, 5.0.1 | [106] | Biology, Population |
emboss | 6.5.7 | [107] | Biology, multi-tool suite |
EMIRGE | 20130727 | [108] | Biology, NGS |
eQTLA | 1.1 | [109] | Biology, Genomics |
Eqtlbma | 1.2.2 | [110] | Biology, Genotyping |
Espresso | 5.0.1 | [111] | Modeling, Physics |
ESPRIT | 201211 | [112] | Biology, NGS, Metagenomics |
ETE2 | 2.1 | [113] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Eval | 2.2.8 | [114] | Biology, Genomics, GUI |
ExaBayes | 1.2.1 | [115] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
ExaML | 1.0.3, 1.0.5, 1.0.12 | [116] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
ExomeCNV | 1.4 | [117] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
Exonerate | 2.2.0 | [118] | Biology, Genomics |
eXpress | 1.3.1 | [119] | Biology, NGS |
FAR | 2.15 | [120] | Biology, Genomics |
FASTA | 34.26.5, 36.3.6d | [121] | Biology, Genomics |
FastML | 3.0 | [122] | Biology, Phylogenetics, ML |
FastQC | 0.9.6, 0.10.1 | [123] | Biology, NGS |
FastTree | 2.1.7 | [124] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Fastx_toolkit | | [125] | Biology, NGS |
fcGENE | 1.0.7 | [126] | Biology, Genomics, SNP |
Ferret | 6.82 | [127] | Oceanography, Meteorology |
FFmpeg | 2.1.3 | [128] | Multimedia, audio, video |
FFTW | 3.3.2, 3.3.3 | [129] | Math, Library, C++ |
FLASH | 1.2.10, 1.2.11 | [130] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
Flexbar | 2.3 | [131] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
Fluent | 14.5.7, 15.0 | [132] | Simulation, Fluid Dynamics |
FragGeneScan | 1.16 | [133] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
FreeBayes | 0.9.6, 0.9.15 | [134] | Biology, NGS, SNP Calling |
Freesurfer | 5.2.0 | [135] | Biology, Neurology, Imaging |
FSL | | [136] | Biology, Neurology, Imaging |
GapFiller | 1.11 | [137] | Biology, NGS |
Garli | 2.0, 2.01 | [138] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
GASVPro | 201310 | [139] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
GATE | 7.0 | [140] | Data Analysis |
GATK | 1.6.9, 2.7.4, 3.1.1, 3.3.0 | [141] | Biology, NGS |
Gaussian | E01, G03, G09-A.02, G09-C.01 | [142] | Modeling, Computational Chemistry |
Gblocks | 0.91b | [143] | Genomics, Alignment tool |
Geant4 | 4.10 | [144] | Physics |
GEM | 20130406 | [145] | Biology, NGS |
GEMINI | 4.6.6a | [146] | Biology, Genomics, Genetics |
GenBank Tools | 20140130 | [147] | BIology< Genomics |
GeneMark | 2012.04 | [148] | Biology, Genomics, Metagenomics |
GeneSeqer | 20140226 | [149] | Biology, Genomics |
Genewise | 2.2.0 | [150] | Biology, Genomics, Annotation |
GenomicTools | 2.7.0 | [151] | Biology, NGS |
GenSel | 4.90 | [152] | Biology, Genetics |
GKNO | 1.30.18 | [153] | Biology, NGS |
Git | | [154] | Development, Revision Control |
Globus | 2.1.3 | [155] | Data Transfer |
GLPK | 4.55 | [156] | Biology, Genomics |
Gmap | 20141222 | [157] | Biology, Genomics |
GNU | 4.4.6, 4.7.2 | [158] | Compilers, Programming |
GnuPlot | 4.6.0 | [159] | Graphics, Plotting, Programming |
Grace | 5.1.22 | [160] | Graphics, plotting, 2D |
GrADS | 2.0.1 | [161] | Earth Science |
GraphViz | 2.38.0 | [162] | Graphics, plotting, visualization |
Gromacs | 4.5.5, 4.6.5 | [163] | Chemistry, Modeling, Simulation |
GSNP | 1.0 | [164] | Biology, Bioinformatics, NGS |
GSL | 1.15 | [165] | Library, Math, C++, C |
GULP | 4.0 | [166] | Material Science |
HaMStR | v8b | [167] | Biology, Genomics |
HapCompass | 0.7.7 | [168] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
Hapsembler | 2.21 | [169] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
HapTree | 1.0 | [170] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
HDF4 | 4.2.11 | [171] | Library, Data |
HDF5 | 1.8.9, 1.8.12 | [172] | Library, Data |
HMMER3 | 3.0, 3.1b1 | [173] | Biology, Genomics |
HMMSplicer | 0.9.5 | [174] | Biology, Genomics |
HOMER | 4.2 | [175] | Biology, Genomics |
HTMLDoc | 1.2.82 | [176] | Documentation, PDF, HTML |
HTSeq | 0.5.3p3, 0.6.1p1 | [177] | Biology, NGS |
HyPhy | | [178] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Hypre | 1.10.0b, 2.8.0b | [179] | Library, Math, Physics |
IDBA-UD | 1.0.9, 1.1.0 | [180] | Biology, NGS |
iGTP | 1.1 | [181] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics |
IM and IMa | 20091217 | [182] | Biology, Population |
IMa2 | 20120827 | [183] | Biology, Population |
ImageJ | 1.48 | [184] | Image manipulation |
ImageMagick | 6.8.8-9 | [185] | Image manipulation |
Intel Compilers | 11.1, 2012 | [186] | Programming, Compilers |
IOAPI | 3.1 | [187] | Meteorology |
Iprscan | 4.8 | [188] | Biology, Genomics |
ITK | 4.3.1 | [189] | Biology, Genomics |
ITK-SNAP | 3.0.0 | [190] | Biology, Neuroscience, Imaging |
JAGS | 3.3.0 | [191] | Statistics |
Java | 1.6.0_31, 1.7.0_02, 1.8.0_31 | [192] | Java Development Kit |
Jellyfish | 2.1.1 | [193] | Biology, NGS |
JModelTest | 2.1.1. | [194] | Biology, Phylogenetics, Genomics |
KaKs | 1.2 | [195] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Kent | 20120524 | [196] | Biology, NGS |
Khmer | 1.1 | [197] | Biology, NGS |
KING | 1.4 | [198] | Biology, Genomics |
Kmer | 1934 | [199] | Biology, NGS |
KmerGenie | 1.6741 | [200] | Biology, NGS, Utilities |
Kraken | 0.10.4b | [201] | Biology, Genomics, Phylogenetics |
LAMMPS | 28Oct12, 30Sep13, 28Jun14 | [202] | Molecular Dynamics Simulation |
Last | 193, 247 | [203] | Biology, Sequence alignment |
Lastz | 1.03.02, 1.02.00 | [204] | Biology, NGS |
LIBSVM | 3.12 | [205] | Machine Learning |
LSC | 0.3, 0.3.1 | [206] | Biology, NGS, Error correction |
Loci | 3.3 | [207] | Fluid Dynamics |
LS-DYNA | 700, 711 | [208] | Physics |
Lumpy | 0.2.1 | [209] | Biology, SNP |
MACH | 1.0.18 | [210] | Biology, Genomics |
M5tools | 20121126 | [211] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Genomics |
MACS | 1.4.2 | [212] | Biology, ChIP-Seq |
mafft | 7.037, 6.903, 7.215 | [213] | Biology, Multiple sequence alignment |
Maker | 2.10, 2.25b | [214] | Biology, Annotation, Genomics |
MapSplice | 2.1.7 | [215] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
Maq | 0.7.1 | [216] | Biology, NGS |
MARK | 2.0.1 | [217] | Statistics |
MaSuRCA | 2.3.2 | [218] | Biology, NGS |
Matlab | 2012a, 2013a, 2014a | [219] | Math, Simulation, Programming |
MATS | 2.1.0, 3.0.6b, 3.0.8, 3.0.9 | [220] | BIology, NGS |
Mauve | 2.3.1 | [221] | Biology, NGS |
MCarts | 1.0.2 | [222] | Biology, Genomics, Markov models |
MCNP | 5, 6b2 | [223] | Physics |
MCNPX | 2.7.0, 2.7.0-i8 | [224] | Physics |
Melting | 4.3.1 | [225] | Biology, Genome, RNA, Folding |
Meme | 4.8.1 | [226] | Biology, Motifs, Sequence analysis |
Mercurial | 2.7 | [227] | Development, Revision Control |
Metabin | 1.0 | [228] | Biology, Metagenomics |
MetaCluster | 5.0beta | [229] | Biology, Metagenomics |
MetaCV | 2.3.0 | [230] | Biology, NGS |
METAL | 20110325 | [231] | Biology, Genomics |
MetAMOS | 1.5.0rc4-20140827 | [232] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Genomics, Assembly |
MetaVelvet | 1.2.01 | [233] | Biology, NGS |
MetaGeneMark | 2012.04 | [234] | Biology, Genomics |
Mfold | 3.6 | [235] | Biology, Genomics |
MIA | 20130301 | [236] | Biology, NGS |
Midnight Commander | 4.6.1 | [237] | Tools, Utilities |
Migrate-n | 3.3.0 | [238] | Biology, Population |
mira | 3.9.9, 3.9.18, 4.0.rc1 | [239] | Biology, NGS |
MISO | 0.4.4, 0.4.9 | [240] | Biology, NGS |
MMSEQ | 1.0.8 | [241] | Biology, NGS |
MSMBuilder | 2.5.1 | [242] | Molecular Dynamics |
MOABS | 1.2.9 | [243] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
Modeller | 9.11, 9.13, 9.14 | [244] | Biology, Modeling |
Molden | 5.0 | [245] | Molecular, electronic structure |
MolPro | 2012.1p22 | [246] | Quantum Chemistry, Ab Initio |
mosaik | 2.1.33 | [247] | Biology,NGS |
Mothur | 1.31.2 | [248] | Biology, Microbial Ecology |
MOTU | 1.1 | [249] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Genomics |
MP-EST | 1.4 | [250] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
mpiP | 3.4.1 | [251] | Parallel Computing |
MrBayes | 3.2.1 | [252] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
MRIcron | 201306 | [253] | Biology, MRI, Imaging |
MUMmer | 3.23 | [254] | Biology, Genomics |
MUSCLE | 3.8.31 | [255] | Biology, Genomics |
MZMine | 2.10 | [256] | Biology, Spectroscopy |
NAMD | 2.9 | [257] | Simulation, Chemistry, Biology |
Nbody | 6 | [258] | Astronomy |
NCBI C++ Toolkit | 12.0.0 | [259] | Biology, C++, Development |
NCL | 6.1.2 | [260] | Atmosphere Science |
NCO | 4.2.1, 4.4.3 | [261] | Data exchange tools |
Ncview | 2.1.2 | [262] | Data visualization |
NetCDF | 3.4.2, 4.2, 4.3 | [263] | Data exchange, Tools |
Newbler | 2.6, 2.7 | [264] | Biology, NGS |
Newick utils | 1.6 | [265] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Nextallele | 20140718 | [266] | Biology, Genomics |
Nexus NCL | 2.1.18 | [267] | Biology, Phylogenetics, Library |
ngsCAT | 0.1 | [268] | Biology, Bioinformatics, NGS |
NGSUtils | 20130722 | [269] | Biology, NGS |
Nipype | 0.10.0 | [270] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Neuroscience, Imaging |
NMRPipe | 7.9 | [271] | Biology, Biochemistry |
Novoalign | 2.08.02, 3.00.02 | [272] | Biology, NGS |
Oases | 0.2.08 | [273] | Biology, NGS |
Olego | 1.1.2, 1.1.5 | [274] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
Octave | 3.6.4 | [275] | Numerical Computation |
OpenBabel | 2.3.2 | [276] | Biology, Chemistry |
OpenCL | 1.1 | [277] | Programming, Library |
OpenCV | 2.4.8 | [278] | Computervision |
OpenFOAM | 2.1.1 | [279] | Fluid Dynamics |
OpenMM | 6.2.0 | [280] | Quantum Chemistry |
OrthoMCL | 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.7 | [281] | Biology, Genomics |
p4vasp | 0.3.29 | [282] | Molecular, Electronic Structure |
Pacbio | | [283] | Biology, Bioinformatics, NGS |
PALES | 122 | [284] | Physics |
PAML | 4.7, 4.8a | [285] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Pandaseq | 20140808 | [286] | Biology, Bioinformatics, NGS, Sequencing |
PAPI | | [287] | Software, Computing |
Parallel | 20150122 | [288] | Programming, Languages |
ParaView | 4.1.0 | [289] | Data Analysis |
PartitionFinder | 1.0.1, 1.1.1 | [290] | Biology, Phylogenetics, Evolution |
Parflow | v615 | [291] | Ecology, Modeling |
PASA | 1.5, 2.0-r20150209 | [292] | Biology, Genomics |
PAUP | 4.0b10 | [293] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
PBJelly | 14.7.14 | [294] | Biology, Bioinformatics |
pbsdrmaa | 1.0.17 | [295] | Libraries, Torque |
PeakSplitter | 1.0 | [296] | Biology, Chip-Seq |
PEAR | 0.9.2, 0.9.6 | [297] | Biology, NGS |
PDT | 3.18 | [298] | Programming, Profiler |
Perl | 5.16.0 | [299] | Programming, Language |
PerM | 0.4.0 | [300] | Biology, NGS |
PETSc | 2.3, 3.3 | [301] | Math, Numerical solvers |
Phenix | 1.8.1069 | [302] | Crystallography |
PfamScan | 1.3 | [303] | Biology, Genomics |
PHITS | 2.52 | [304] | Physics |
Phonopy | 1.9.2 | [305] | Chemistry |
PhyloBayes | 3.3f, 1.4f MPI | [306] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Phylosift | 1.1 | [307] | Biology, Genomics, Phylogenetics, Taxonomy |
PhyML | 3.0, 20121109 | [308] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Picard | 1.69, 1.72, 1.80 | [309] | Biology, NGS |
PLAST | 1.0 | [310] | Biology, Bioinformatics |
Plink | 1.07 | [311] | Biology, GWAS |
PLINKSEQ | 0.10 | [312] | Biology, Genomics |
PluMiST | 1.1 | [313] | Biology, Phylogenetics, Genomics |
Preseq | 0.0.4 | [314] | Biology, NGS |
Primer3 | 2.3.4 | [315] | Biology, Genomics |
Prokka | 1.10 | [316] | Biology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Assembly |
ProBABEL | 0.4.2, 0.4.3 | [317] | Biology, Genomics, GWAS |
Probalign | 1.4 | [318] | Biology, Genomics |
Proovread | 1.03rcl | [319] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
Proteinortho | 4.26 | [320] | Biology, Genomics |
python | 2.6.8, 2.7.3, 2.7.5, 2.7.6, 2.7.8 | [321] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
QDD | 3.1.2 | [322] | Programming, scripting, language |
QIIME | 1.5.0 | [323] | Biology, Ecology |
QT | 4.8.3 | [324] | Computer Science |
QUAST | 2.3 | [325] | Biology, NGS |
Quickquartet | 1.0.0 | [326] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
R | Rmpi/2.15.1, 33.0.2 | [327] | Statistics, Programming |
R8S | 1.71 | [328] | Biology, Evolution |
RADICAL | 0.2 | [329] | Biology, Phylogenetics, Genomics |
RAxML | 7.9.1, 8.0.25, 8.1.12 | [330] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
RepeatMasker | 3.3.0 | [331] | Biology, Genomics |
Reptile | 1.1 | [332] | Biology, NGS, error correction |
riboPicker | 0.4.3 | [333] | Biology, Sequence |
RNAhybrid | 2.1.1 | [334] | Biology, Genomics |
ROOT | 6.0 | [335] | Data Analysis |
Rosetta | 2014wk4 | [336] | Biology, Structure, Modelling |
RSEG | 0.4.8 | [337] | Biology, NGS |
RSEM | 1.1.17, 1.2.7, 1.2.19 | [338] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
Ruby | 1.9.3-p0 | [339] | Programming, Scripting, Language |
Sailfish | 0.6.3 | [340] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
Sambamba | 0.5.0-dev, 0.5.1 | [341] | Biology, NGS |
Samstat | 1.08 | [342] | Biology, NGS, Bioinformatics, Sequencing |
Samblaster | 0.1.14 | [343] | Biology, NGS |
samtools | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 | [344] | Biology, NGS |
SAS | 9.3 | [345] | Statistics, Graphing |
SATe | 2.2.7 | [346] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
Scalablast | 2.4.53, 2.11.5 | [347] | Biology, Genomics |
Scalpel | 0.1.1 | [348] | Biology, NGS |
Sharcgs | 1.2.11 | [349] | Biology, NGS, Assembly |
Schrodinger | 2012, 2013 | [350] | Simulation, chemistry |
SCons | 2.3.0 | [351] | Programming |
SCRATCH1D | 1.0 | [352] | Biology, Genomics |
Scythe | 0.991 | [353] | Biology, NGS |
Segemehl | 0.1.9 | [354] | Biology, NGS, Mapper |
SeqPrep | 0.5 | [355] | Biology, NGS |
SeqMap | 1.0.13 | [356] | Biology, NGS |
Seqtk | 20140729 | [357] | Biology, NGS |
SEQuel | 1.0.1 | [358] | Biology, NGS |
SeqyClean | 1.8.10 | [359] | Biology, NGS, Bioinformatics |
ShoRAH | 20131204 | [360] | Biology, NGS, quality filter |
SHRiMP | 2.2.3 | [361] | Biology, NGS |
Sickle | 1.200, 1.33 | [362] | Biology, NGS, quality filter |
Siesta | 2.0.2,3.1 | [363] | Simulation, Physics, Ab Initio |
SIFT | 4.0.3b | [364] | Biology, Genomics |
Silo | 4.7 | [365] | Library, Data |
SIPeS | 2.0 | [366] | Biology, Bioinformatics, ChIP-Seq |
Slicer | 4.3.1 | [367] | Biology, Imaging |
SMALT | 0.7.6 | [368] | Biology, NGS |
Snap | 20100728 | [369] | Biology, Genomics |
SnpEff | 3.3h, 4.0e | [370] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
SOAPdenovo | 1.05 | [371] | Biology, NGS |
SOAPdenovo-Trans | 1.01, 1.03 | [372] | Biology, NGS |
SOAPsplice | 1.10 | [373] | Biology, NGS |
SparCC | 201402 | [374] | Microbial Ecology |
Spades | 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.5.0 | [375] | Biology, NGS |
Spanki | 0.4.1, 0.4.3 | [376] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
SPARTA+ | 2.60 | [377] | Chemistry |
SPIMAP | 1.1 | [378] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
SpliceTrap | 0.90.5 | [379] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
SPM | 8 | [380] | Biology, Statistics, Neurology, Imaging |
Sputnik | 1.0 | [381] | Biology, Genomics |
SQLite | | [382] | Database |
SRA | 2.1.10 | [383]] | biology, NGS |
SSPACE | 2.0 | [384] | Biology, NGS |
Stacks | 0.9995 | [385] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
STAR | 2.3.0e | [386] | Biology, NGS, Alignment |
STAR-CCM+ | 8.06 | [387] | Mechanical Engineering |
Stata | 10.1, 13 | [388] | Statistics, Data analysis |
Stringtie | 0.97 | [389] | Biology, NGS, Alignment |
Structure | 2.3.3, 2.3.4 | [390] | Biology, Population |
SUNDIALS | 2.3.0, 2.5.0 | [391] | Numerical Solver |
SVDetect | 0.8b | [392] | Biology, NGS, SNP |
swak4Foam | 2.x | [393] | Fluid Dynamics |
swarm | 1.2.11 | [394] | Data Analysis |
Swig | 2.0.9 | [395] | Programming, C, C++, Python |
SwitchSeq | 20140907 | [396] | Biology, NGS |
Syzygy | 1.2.7 | [397] | Biology, Genomics |
TASSEL | 5.0 | [398] | Biology, Genomics |
TAU | 2.21.4, 2.23 | [399] | Profiling, Tracing, Programming |
T-Coffee | 9.03.r1318 | [400] | Biology, Genomics, Multiple Alignment |
TESS | 2.3.1 | [401] | Biology, Genomics, Markov |
tgicl | 2.1 | [402] | Biology, sequencing, clustering |
TomoPy | 0.0.3 | [403] | Biology, Neuroimaging |
Tophat | 1.4.1, 2.0.13 | [404] | Biology, NGS |
Totalview | 8.12.0 | [405] | Computer Science |
TPP | 4.7.0 | [406] | Bioinformatics, MassSpec |
TrackTools | 2011 | [407] | Bioinformatics |
TrackVis | | [408] | Biology, Spectroscopy |
Tracula | 5.3.2014_05_26 | [409] | Biology, Bioinformatics, Neuroscience, Imaging |
TraitRate | 1.1 | [410] | Biology, Evolution |
TransDecoder | 20140704 | [411] | Biology, NGS |
TreeFix | 1.1.7 | [412] | Biology, Phylogenetics |
TRF | 4.04 | [413] | Biology, Genomics |
Trilinos | 11.4.1, 11.8.1 | [414] | Math Algorithm |
Trim Galore | 0.2.8 | [415] | Biology, NGS |
Trimmomatic | 0.22, 0.32 | [416] | Biology, NGS |
Trinity | r20140413, r20150215-2.0.4 | [417] | Biology, NGS, RNA-Seq |
TRNAscan-SE | 1.23 | [418] | Biology, NGS, Bioinformatics |
Twinscan | 4.1.2 | [419] | Biology, Genomics |
usearch | 7.0.1001-64, 8.0.1517 | [420] | Biology, Sequence analysis |
UDUNITS | 2.2.17 | [421] | Library, Units, Programming |
UNAFold | 3.8 | [422] | Biology, Genome, RNA, Folding |
Valgrind | 3.9.0 | [423] | Computer Science |
VASP | 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.5 | [424] | Quantum Chemistry, Ab Initio |
VarScan | 2.3.6 | [425] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
VCFLib | 20121207 | [426] | Biology, NGS, Genomics |
VCFtools | 0.1.9, 0.1.10 | [427] | Biology, SNPs |
velvet | 1.2.06, 1.2.07, 1.2.10 | [428] | Biology, Genomics, NGS |
VEP | 74 | [429] | Biology, NGS |
Vim | 7.4.5-minimal, 7.4.5-py2, 7.4.5 | [430] | Programming, Scripting, Language |
vmd | 1.9.1 | [431] | Biology, Visualization |
VTK | 6.1.0 | [432] | Visualization, Graphics |
Wannier90 | 1.2, 2.0.0 | [433] | Computational Physics |
WebLogo | 3.3 | [434] | Biology, Genomics |
WDSSII | 1 | [435] | Meteorology |
WIEN2k | 12.1 | [436] | Material Science, Chemistry |
Wgs or Celera | 8.1, 8.2, 8.3rc1 | [437] | Biology, NGS |
wublast | 2.0 | [438] | Biology, Sequence Alignment |
YAHA | 0.1.82 | [439] | Biology NGS |
XCrySDen | 1.5.60 | [440] | Computational Material Science |
Yambo | 3.3.0 | [441] | Physics |
Yasra | 2.32 | [442] | Biology, NGS |
- ↑ Up to 3 most recent/important releases are listed. See the software wiki pages and the output of "module spider software" for full version listing.
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