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ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView’s batch processing capabilities.

Environment Modules

Run module spider ParaView to find out what environment modules are available for this application. See modules documentation for details.

System Variables

  • HPC_PARAVIEW_DIR - installation directory
  • HPC_PARAVIEW_BIN - executable program directory
  • HPC_PARAVIEW_LIB - library directory

How To Run

Using GUI on HiPerGator

To run ParaView with GUI, use the appropriate partition (such as "hwgui", "gpu" or "hpg-dev"). For more details, please follow GUI application instructions.

Using Client/Server Mode

In client/server mode, you install ParaView on your local machine as a client and use HiPerGator as the back end server to do the processing.

To accomplish this, you will need to start the server on HiPerGator and then use SSH port forwarding to be able to connect to that server from your local machine, learn more at ParaView Client.