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- [[Category:Software]][[Category:Biology]][[Category:Transcriptome]] ...ector, is a software that has two sub-pipelines to jointly analyze of host transcriptome with its microbiome by using bulk RNA-seq and single-cell RNA-seq data, res ...3 KB (362 words) - 18:10, 8 February 2025
- ...ion that relies solely on RNA-Seq reads and an assembled genome to build a transcriptome ab initio. The statistical methods to estimate read coverage significance a ...3 KB (302 words) - 20:36, 12 August 2022
- ...unts. Our software takes a set of reads that have been multi-mapped to the transcriptome (where multiple alignments per read were reported) and hierarchically clust ...3 KB (309 words) - 17:09, 10 June 2022
- Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. It examines your assembly in detail and compares .../2015/06/27/021626 TransRate: reference free quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies. Richard D Smith-Unna, Chris Boursnell, Rob Patro, Julian M Hibb ...3 KB (316 words) - 16:54, 22 August 2022
- HyLiTE (Hybrid Lineage Transcriptome Explorer) analyzes high-throughput transcriptome data from allopolyploid species. ...3 KB (325 words) - 21:51, 24 February 2023
- ...lts demonstrate miRDP2 as a fast and accurate tool for analyzing the miRNA transcriptome in plants. ...3 KB (328 words) - 18:09, 31 May 2022
- ...or identifying and quantifying known and novel genes/isoforms in long-read transcriptome data sets. TALON is technology-agnostic in that it works from mapped SAM fi A technology-agnostic long-read analysis pipeline for transcriptome discovery and quantification. Dana Wyman, Gabriela Balderrama-Gutierrez, Fa ...3 KB (321 words) - 15:13, 23 September 2022
- ...y consumption is around 5Gb for 100M reads. KisSplice is not a full-length transcriptome assembler. This means that it will output the variable regions of the trans ...3 KB (359 words) - 19:33, 15 August 2022
- ...e script, which can be used to add sequences from any transcriptome to any protein-coding nucleotide target file. These tailored and customised ...3 KB (379 words) - 20:06, 12 August 2022
- eliminating the need for transcriptome reconstruction using within targeted genes or the entire transcriptome. ...3 KB (398 words) - 16:38, 22 August 2022
- TACO: Multi-sample transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq ...2 KB (234 words) - 18:53, 1 June 2022
- Description: Eukaryote Non-Model Transcriptome Annotation Pipeline ...2 KB (236 words) - 21:20, 6 December 2019
- Description: a transcriptome assembly and mRNA annotation pipeline ...2 KB (236 words) - 21:21, 6 December 2019
- rnaQUAST is a tool for evaluating quality of transcriptome assemblies using reference genome and gene database. ...2 KB (257 words) - 21:57, 21 August 2022
- FUSION is a suite of tools for performing a transcriptome-wide (or any other ome-wide) association study by predicting functional/mol ...2 KB (257 words) - 19:27, 26 May 2022
- SOAPdenovo-Trans is a de novo transcriptome assembler basing on the SOAPdenovo framework, adapt to alternative splicing ...2 KB (283 words) - 00:05, 22 August 2022
- ...e information rich basecalling neural network output to a reference genome/transcriptome. ...2 KB (271 words) - 22:24, 8 September 2020
- dammit is a simple de novo transcriptome annotator. It was born out of the observation that: annotation is mundane a ...2 KB (279 words) - 21:20, 6 December 2019
- ...ions are provided. Flexbar increases mapping rates and improves genome and transcriptome assemblies. It supports next-generation sequencing data in fasta/q and csfa ...2 KB (285 words) - 16:45, 15 August 2022
- ...a tool for reconstructing the coding genome using high-quality full-length transcriptome sequences. It is designed to be used on Iso-Seq data and in cases where the ...2 KB (294 words) - 21:06, 6 December 2019
- ...ation of long-read transcript sequences for quality control in full-length transcriptome identification and quantification. Genome Res. 2018;28(3):396-411. doi:10.1 ...2 KB (290 words) - 20:35, 27 May 2022
- ...r reads can significantly improve genome assemblies. They can also improve transcriptome assembly when FLASH is used to merge RNA-seq data. ...2 KB (297 words) - 16:44, 15 August 2022
- ...large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. Each alignment optimizes a composite score, taking into account simultaneo ...2 KB (304 words) - 16:29, 6 October 2022
- ...Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It is primarily a genome-guided transcriptome assembler, although it can borrow algorithmic techniques from de novo genom ...3 KB (301 words) - 20:45, 12 August 2022
- ...i Z. (2011) iAssembler: a package for de novo assembly of Roche-454/Sanger transcriptome sequences. BMC Bioinformatics 12:453] ...3 KB (301 words) - 18:39, 15 August 2022
- Oases is a de novo transcriptome assembler designed to produce transcripts ...2 KB (293 words) - 17:25, 19 August 2022
- STAR-Fusion is a component of the Trinity Cancer Transcriptome Analysis Toolkit (CTAT). STAR-Fusion uses the STAR aligner to identify cand ...3 KB (306 words) - 16:02, 22 August 2022
- ...9 Kristoffer Sahlin, Paul Medvedev (2019) "De Novo Clustering of Long-Read Transcriptome Data Using a Greedy, Quality-Value Based Algorithm", Journal of Computation ...3 KB (307 words) - 13:24, 19 October 2020
- ...fluorescence microscope images. Space Ranger allows users to map the whole transcriptome in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) and fresh-frozen tissues to disc ...3 KB (305 words) - 18:57, 20 October 2021
- ...: a tool for long non-coding RNA annotation and its application to the dog transcriptome. Nucleic Acids Res (2017). doi:10.1093/nar/gkw1306] ...3 KB (322 words) - 18:53, 10 July 2020
- possible highly accurate RNA secondary structure modeling on genome and transcriptome wide scales. ...3 KB (325 words) - 17:25, 10 June 2022
- IDBA-MT is an iterative De Bruijn Graph De Novo short read assembler for meta-transcriptome. It is purely de novo assembler based on paired-end RNA sequencing reads on ...3 KB (315 words) - 21:21, 6 December 2019
- Bridger is an efficient ''de novo'' transcriptome assembler for RNA-Seq data. It expects as input RNA-Seq reads (single or pa ...3 KB (341 words) - 13:14, 15 August 2022
- ...scientific hypothesis or a means to create a whole annotation report for a transcriptome. ...3 KB (344 words) - 20:29, 7 December 2023
- ...igned for compact storage and efficient analysis of multi-genome and multi-transcriptome datasets. The programs provided in MVFtools support this format, both with ...3 KB (370 words) - 13:58, 30 April 2020
- deSALT(de Bruijn graph-based Spliced Aligner for Long Transcriptome reads) ...3 KB (350 words) - 14:38, 15 August 2022
- ...reference sequence(s) can be whole genomes with multiple chromosomes, the transcriptome or even the millions reads in the fasta format, separated by '>'. The reads ...3 KB (396 words) - 17:40, 21 August 2022
- ...offered highly accurate classification of transcripts assembled from whole-transcriptome sequencing data in a cross-species manner, that demonstrated gene evolution ...3 KB (374 words) - 14:09, 23 April 2021
- ...t VirusFinder 2 can deal with include whole genome sequencing (WGS), whole transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq), targeted sequencing data such as whole exome sequenci ...3 KB (410 words) - 21:29, 6 December 2019
- ...equences from your own Fungal biological data, including genome sequences, transcriptome sequences, and proteome sequences. ...3 KB (431 words) - 17:41, 20 September 2023
- ...quantification of gene or isoform abundance is a fundamental step in many transcriptome analysis tasks, such as determining differential expression between biologi ...4 KB (482 words) - 22:02, 21 August 2022
- PsiCLASS is a reference-based transcriptome assembler for single or multiple RNA-seq samples. Unlike conventional metho ...4 KB (480 words) - 15:00, 14 December 2022
- ...Caim S., Kaithakottil G., Mapleson D.L., Swarbreck D. Leveraging multiple transcriptome assembly methods for improved gene structure annotation. GigaScience, Volum ...4 KB (495 words) - 19:45, 18 August 2022
- ...ined for each. The method is accurate, simple and fast to execute and, for transcriptome data, requires low depth of coverage. Known HLA class I/class II reference ...4 KB (541 words) - 14:55, 14 December 2022
- *-m or --mode sets the assessment MODE: genome, proteins, transcriptome ...5 KB (607 words) - 19:38, 27 March 2023