Jupyter Notebooks

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Available Options for Starting and Connecting to a Jupyter Notebook Server

Jupyter Notebooks are a popular web-based development environment for teaching, testing and development and running code. Notebooks allow seamless integrations of live code, richly formatted text, images, visualizations, cleanly formatted equations and more. Jupyter supports many programming languages, but is most often associated with Python.

UF Research Computing offers several methods to run Jupyter. This page provides general information about Jupyter, Jupyter Notebooks and Jupyter Lab. For details on starting Jupyter on HiPerGator, please see the pages below for detailed information on each option. In general, these options are listed in the order of ease of use.

JupyterHub can only use resources from your primary group's allocation. If you need to use resources from a secondary group, please use Jupyter via Open OnDemand.
Remember that leaving idle Jupyter servers running wastes resources and prevents you and others from using those resources. See below of information on how to stop your server when you are done working.


Expand for JupyterHub: an easy, one click option to start a Jupyter Lab server with resources selected from a simple dropdown menu. All JupyterHub jobs run using your primary group's resources.

Jupyter via Open OnDemand

Expand Jupyter via OOD: an easy method to start a Jupyter Lab server that offers additional configuration options beyond the dropdown available in JupyterHub. Jupyter via OOD allows user configurable resource requests, group selection and other options. Please note, notebooks running in the GPU partition are limited to 72 hours of runtime.

Standalone Jupyter Notebook

Expand for Standalone Notebooks: details methods to submit a batch job and connect via ssh tunnels..

Accessing Blue and Orange Directories

Instructions for accessing directories outside of your home.

Exporting Notebooks as Executable Scripts

Notebooks are a great method for testing and development, but can be cumbersome when it comes to production runs. It is simple to export a Jupyter Notebook as an executable script (.py file for example).

  • Select File > Export Notebook As... > Export Notebook to Executable Script.
You can also export notebooks as PDFs, HTML and other formats.

Jupyter Kernels

UFRC Managed Kernels

The built-in python kernel named 'Python3 (ipykernel)' is empty, but cannot be removed. Please don't use it unless you plan to install all packages on your own.

We will happily add python or R packages/modules to available environments/kernels. Use the RC Support System to request package installs. All RC managed Jupyter kernels are based on environment modules that can also be loaded in an interactive terminal session or in job scripts with 'module load'. Users can also install their own personal packages with methods described in the R FAQ section.

We provide custom kernels named 'RC-py3-$version' and 'RC-R-$version' that provide access hundreds of R packages and python3 modules we installed to support exploratory research and code writing by UF researchers on request. Use https://support.rc.ufl.edu to request additional package and module installs. Note that the shared python3 and R environments can only have one package/module version to avoid conflicts. Use python virtualenv or conda environments to have custom module installs for particular projects as shown below.

All other kernels are application-specific. Their installation requests are documented in our support system and on this help site.

For directions on setting up your own Julia kernel, please see the Julia page.

Personal Kernels

For a more thorough treatment of this topic, please see the Managing Python environments and Jupyter kernels page.

Users can define their own Jupyter kernels for use in JupyterHub. See https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/kernels.html

In short, kernel definitions can be put into ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels directory. See /apps/jupyterhub/kernels/ for examples of how we define commonly used kernels. You can also copy a template kernel from /apps/jupyterhub/template_kernel. Replace the placeholder paths and strings in the template files run.sh and kernel.json in accordance to your conda environment configuration.

Note: Even though the kernel.json defines the display_name, the folder name must also be unique. You cannot just copy a folder and update the contents of the kernel.json and run.sh files, you also need to rename the folder.

To troubleshoot issues with personal kernels, check the log files at ~/ondemand/data/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sys/jupyter/output/YOUR_SESSION_ID/output.log