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Notice: GDrive is deprecated and archived as of april, 2023. To access Google Drive or other cloud storage, use Rclone. Learn more here.

gdrive is a command line utility for interacting with Google Drive. You can use this utility to transfer files between the HiPerGator environment and your UF-provided Google Drive storage.

Environment Modules

Run module spider GDrive to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

System Variables

  • HPC_GDRIVE_DIR - installation directory
  • HPC_GDRIVE_BIN - executable directory

Additional Information

For information on accessing, authorizing, or removing access, view Managing GDrive Access

GDrive commands

You can get a full list of available commands by typing "gdrive help" but example of the most common ones are:

List files currently in your Google Drive:

gdrive list

Upload a file to your Google Drive:

gdrive upload /orange/yourgroup/yourusername/mydata/somefile.dat

Upload an entire directory to your Google Drive:

gdrive upload --recursive /orange/yourgroup/yourusername/mydata/

Download a file from your Google Drive to a specific directory:

gdrive download --path /orange/yourgroup/yourusername/mydata/ 1PrZieajI6P6ikl1zk1Zn4zRhXZMOhoDg
#or alternatively: gdrive download query --path /orange/yourgroup/yourusername/mydata/ somefile.dat