NLR-Parser is a tool to rapidly annotate the NLR complement from sequenced plant genomes.
The NLR-Parser refines the output of MAST and reliably annotates disease resistance genes encoding for nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins.
Environment Modules
Run module spider nlr-parser
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
System Variables
- HPC_NLR-PARSER_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_NLR-PARSER_BIN - executable directory
- HPC_NLR-PARSER_LIB - library directory
- HPC_NLR-PARSER_XML - xml directory
Additional Information
NLR motif definitions file is located in the $HPC_NLRPARSER_XML directory.
If you publish research that uses nlr-parser you have to cite it as follows:
For using the NLR motifs, please cite Jupe et al. (2012) For NLR-Parser, please cite Steuernagel et al. (2015).