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baypass website  

The package BayPass is a population genomics software which is primarily aimed at identifying genetic markers subjected to selection and/or associated to population-specific covariates (e.g., environmental variables, quantitative or categorical phenotypic characteristics). The underlying models explicitly account for (and may estimate) the covariance structure among the population allele frequencies that originates from the shared history of the populations under study. The manual provides information about the models, about how to format the data file, how to specify the user-defined parameters, and how to interpret the results.

Environment Modules

Run module spider baypass to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

System Variables

  • HPC_BAYPASS_DIR - installation directory
  • HPC_BAYPASS_BIN - executable directory
  • HPC_BAYPASS_DOC - documentation directory


If you publish research that uses baypass you have to cite it as follows:

Gautier M. Genome-Wide Scan for Adaptive Differentiation and Association Analysis with population-specific covariables. Genetics, 201: 1555-1579.