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BESST is a package for scaffolding genomic assemblies. It contains several modules for e.g. building a "contig graph" from available information, obtaining scaffolds from this graph, and accurate gap size information (based on GapEst [1]).

Environment Modules

Run module spider besst to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

System Variables

  • HPC_BESST_DIR - installation directory


If you publish research that uses besst you have to cite it as follows:

Sahlin K, Street N, Lundeberg J, Arvestad L (2012) "Improved gap size estimation for scaffolding algorithms." Bioinformatics 28(17), 2215-2222

Sahlin K, Vezzi F, Nystedt B, Lundeberg J, Arvestad L (2014) "BESST--efficient scaffolding of large fragmented assemblies." BMC Bioinformatics 15, 281

Sahlin K, Chikhi R, Arvestad L (2016) "Assembly scaffolding with PE-contaminated mate-pair libraries." Bioinformatics