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HPG Internal application testing framework

       How to use
       1) Copy sample test script from /data/apps/test/apptests/ into
       /data/apps/test/<app> where 'app' is the application to be tested.
       2) Modify the test script as needed.
       3) Run the tests. Check 'apptests --help'.
       4) Check the report and slurm_logs in /data/apps/test/apptests/.
       Note: Custom test sciript paths and dependencies can be provided in
       $HPC_APPTESTS_DIR/tests_config.yaml. However, the test file itself must be
       adopted from /data/apps/test/apptests/
       Modules system sets up the following environment variables for this module:
       * HPC_APPTESTS_DIR - installation directory
       * HPC_APPTESTS_BIN - executable directory

Environment Modules

Run module spider apptests to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

System Variables

  • HPC_APPTESTS_DIR - installation directory