Revision as of 17:53, 10 August 2012 by Moskalenko (talk | contribs) (Text replace - "|{{#vardefine:intel|}} <!-- E.g. "11.1" --> |{{#vardefine:mpi|}} <!-- E.g. "openmpi/1.3.4" -->" to "")
FreeBayes is a high-performance, flexible, and open-source Bayesian genetic variant detector. It operates on BAM alignment files, which are produced by most contemporary short-read aligners.
In addition to substantial performance improvements over its predecessors (PolyBayes, GigaBayes, and BamBayes), it expands the scope of SNP and small-indel variant calling to populations of individuals with heterogeneous copy number. FreeBayes is currently under active development.
Required Modules
- freebayes
- HPC_FREEBAYES_BIN - executable directory