How To ResVault

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tiCrypt Connect Client Install/Update

1. If the client is already installed, first ensure there are no instances of tiCrypt currently running by opening tiCryptConnect and selecting the "Shut down Connect" button, to the right of the screen. If the client is not yet installed, go to Step 2 below.

  • If the client isn't starting or responding, you might need to stop the process manually.

2. Navigate to the HiPerGator-RV Download page and download the appropriate launcher for your operating system.

3. Run the installer software for the tiCrypt Connect client and follow the prompts.

4. Once the install is finished, run the client and check that the version number corresponds to the updated version. We recommend always using the latest deployment version.

ResVault Login

1. Launch the tiCrypt Connect client. This will open a new tab on your Internet browser (

2. Click on the latest HyperGatorRV deployment or add a new deployment, using the downloaded deployment file from Step 2 above. We recommend always using the latest deployment version.

3. If you see a message saying "You have no keys loaded.", click on "LOAD KEY" and select the <filename>.key.json key file.

4. Enter your RV password (not your GatorLinkID password).

5. Setup or access your virtual machine (VM) as described in the training sessions.

How to Transfer Data from/to RV

Move data into RV

  1. My Vault
    • Click on transfer files button.
  2. SFTP
  3. Inboxes
    • Allows incoming data from users outside of ResVault.
    • The inbox function can be assigned to different folders in the My Files and it creates a URL and command lines for external users.
    • The inboxes can be edited.
    • The current upload speed for inboxes is about 50mbps.

Move data out of RV

  1. My Vault
    • Click on transfer files button.
  2. File Sharing. 
    • Allows file sharing to other team members.
  3. Transfer button
    • Allows inbound and outbound transfer from a selected VM to the Vault.

  • Click on the transfer button
  • Select the file
  • Click on transfer.

How to encrypt a file for download

How to Setup a VM

Data stored into My Vault can be processed with the RV VM. Windows and Linux options are available.

Setup Drives

1. Click on Virtual Machines main tab

2. Click on Drives

3. Add a drive and setup 2 drives: we recommend a Home and Data.

4. Users need to specify to us what drives need backup.

5. Setup the Home data. It should be at least 10 GB.

6. Select Team

7. Select Production Realm

8. Select "Default"

Setup VM

1. Navigate to the Virtual Machines management tab and select the "+" button next to the search bar.

2. Select the appropriate type of VM, including operating system, under Basic Info.

3. Select the Drive.

  • Only Read-Only drives can share data with the share function.
  • You can save data in the default C:\ drive, but it will be wiped out at the end of every session, so creating a "Data" drive for storage in addition to the Vault is recommended.

4. Confirm the VM settings.

5. Launch the VM, if needed prompt to format the disk (fist time launch).

6. You can monitor a process with the progress bar on the bottom right corner of the screen.

7. You can share the VM with other users and give manager or user labels. This is only for users within the teams.

8. Access directory management is used to grant permissions to specific drives/folders. Only VM owners can manage it.

9. Connect by clicking on the Open button and follow the prompts.

Install Software into ResVault

Since April 2022, Linux VMs have access to all HiPerGator software under the /apps/ directory. Users can load modules from a command line with $ module load (AppName) or search with $ module spider (AppName). Full list of HiPerGator Apps.

For specific software install requests, please contact support via the Helpdesk.

How to run Jupyter on Linux VMs in ResVault

  • You can get the same kernels available on HiPerGator within ResVault VMs using these steps.

How to transfer drive ownership from one user to another

Transferring drive ownership allows a different user to be the VM owner. VMs cannot be transferred, but the drives mounted in the VMs can be. The process requires assistance from the ResVault administrators and cannot be completed by users alone.

  1. Shut down any VMs with the drive(s) to be transferred mounted.
  2. In the Virtual Machine, Drives sub-panel, select the drive and click the Share icon.
  3. You need to share the drive with Read-Write Access. Start typing the name of the user you want to transfer the drive to and select the user from the list.
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Once the drive has been shared with the desired new owner, contact Research Computing support and request that drive ownership be transferred.
  6. Staff will transfer ownership, and the new owner can configure a VM using the drives that they now own and will be the owner of the VM.
  7. Old user will still have access to the drives.

Troubleshooting Issues

To address technical issues regarding ResVault, please review our Troubleshooting Page.