PETSc, The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, is a suite of data structures and routines developed by Argonne National Laboratory for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It is the world’s most widely used parallel numerical software library for partial differential equations and sparse matrix computations.
Required Modules
- intel
- petsc
- intel
- openmpi
- petsc
System Variables
- HPC_PETSC_DIR : installation directory
- HPC_PETSC_BIN : executable directory
- HPC_PETSC_LIB : library directory
- HPC_PETSC_INC : include file directory
- Satish Balay and William D. Gropp and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith, "PETSc Users Manual", ANL-95/11 - Revision 2.1.0, Argonne National Laboratory, 2001
- Satish Balay and William D. Gropp and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith, "Efficient Management of Parallelism in Object Oriented Numerical Software Libraries", Modern Software Tools in Scientific Computing, Pages 163--202, Birkhauser Press, 1997