SRA-Human-Scrubber Job Scripts
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Job script used for testing application installation
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=sra_human_scrubber_1.1_test #SBATCH --mail-type=NONE #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1gb #SBATCH --time=1:00:00 #SBATCH --output=sra_human_scrubber_1.1_test.log echo "Setting up test environment..." TEST_PWD=/data/apps/tests/sra_human_scrubber/1.1 TEST_DATADIR=${TEST_PWD}/example_data TEST_WORKDIR=${TEST_PWD}/test_output cd ${TEST_PWD} module load sra_human_scrubber/1.1 # Remove any previous test results and re-create a working directory if [ -d ${TEST_WORKDIR} ]; then rm -rf ${TEST_WORKDIR}/; fi mkdir ${TEST_WORKDIR} echo "Starting test run at $(date) on $(hostname)..." ################################### scrub \ -i ${TEST_DATADIR}/scrubber_test.fastq \ -o ${TEST_WORKDIR}/scrubber_test_clean.fastq ################################### # There should be some files in the work directory echo "There should be some results listed below:" find ${TEST_WORKDIR} -type f ! -empty -ls \ && diff ${TEST_DATADIR}/scrubber_expected_output.fastq ${TEST_WORKDIR}/scrubber_test_clean.fastq echo "Test complete at $(date)."