MongoDB is a general purpose, document-based, distributed database built for modern application developers and for the cloud era.
Environment Modules
Run module spider mongodb
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
System Variables
- HPC_MONGODB_DIR - installation directory
Additional Information
To start mongod copy $HPC_MONGODB_CONF/ script to your working directory and submit it with sbatch.
Default db location is /ufrc/$group/$user/mongodb.
User variables to control MongoDB startup:
- MONGODB_PATH - database directory (Do not use home directory)
- MONGODB_PORT - port between 2000 and 65000
Change 'REPLACE' to your email address in the job script.
Once job has started connect with 'connect_mongodb' command.
Feel free to modify the job script as needed.
The connect_mongodb script relies on the mongodb.log job log in the current working directory to get the data it needs to establish a connection.