Revision as of 02:24, 14 December 2016 by Moskalenko (talk | contribs)
Falcon: a set of tools for fast aligning long reads for consensus and assembly
The Falcon tool kit is a set of simple code collection which I use for studying efficient assembly algorithm for haploid and diploid genomes. It has some back-end code implemented in C for speed and some simple front-end written in Python for convenience.
We use FALCON-integrate in conjunction with SLURM to run FALCON on HiPerGator. See the sample SLURM fc_run.cfg for an example.
Required Modules
- falcon
System Variables
- HPC_{{#uppercase:falcon}}_DIR - installation directory
Additional Information
Errors and Pitfalls
- Make sure that the fasta headers are in a format acceptable to FALCON. If you encounterd a Fasta2DB error '
Line 1: Pacbio header line format error
' see FALCON issue #251 for an explanation.