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Creating and maintaining a computing environment for a data analysis pipeline that consists of a large number of heterogenous tools, needs to be run by many users as must provide consistent data analysis results over a long time while frequent software upgrades and underlying operating system environment changes happen is not easy. Fortunately, the major points of this problem can be addressed by the use of an environmental modules system that abstracts the computing environment from the immediate data analysis steps. At the UF HPC we have chosen to implement this system using Lmod software written by Robert McLay at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC).

Upstream Documentation

Those who would like to learn as much as possible about lmod can use the documentation written by the Lmod author.

Basic usage

See Modules Basic Usage for a practical introduction to using environment modules at HPC

Transition from mpi-selector

With the introduction of modules the mpi-selector command previously used to query and set the MPI implementation on the HPC cluster has been deprecated. Read From mpi-selector to environment modules for more information.


To request help with using modules or installation of new module enabled application please file a support request or if necessary please send us an email.