Software tools for clustering, reconstruction and typing of plasmids from draft assemblies
Plasmids are mobile genetic elements (MGEs), which allow for rapid evolution and adaption of bacteria to new niches through horizontal transmission of novel traits to different genetic backgrounds. The MOB-suite is designed to be a modular set of tools for the typing and reconstruction of plasmid sequences from WGS assemblies.
Environment Modules
Run module spider mob-suite
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
System Variables
- HPC_MOB-SUITE_DIR - installation directory
If you publish research that uses mob-suite you have to cite it as follows:
Robertson, James, and John H E Nash. “MOB-suite: software tools for clustering, reconstruction and typing of plasmids from draft assemblies.” Microbial genomics vol. 4,8 (2018): e000206. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000206
Robertson, James et al. “Universal whole-sequence-based plasmid typing and its utility to prediction of host range and epidemiological surveillance.” Microbial genomics vol. 6,10 (2020): mgen000435. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000435