Revision as of 20:37, 10 June 2022 by Israel.herrera (talk | contribs)
EIGENSOFT uses PCA to correct for population stratification in medical association studies (EIGENSTRAT, Price et al. 2006) and to detect and analyze population structure (SMARTPCA, Patterson et al. 2006).
Environment Modules
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System Variables
- HPC_EIGENSOFT_DIR - installation directory
If you publish research that uses eigensoft you have to cite it as follows:
Price, Alkes L., et al. "Principal components analysis corrects for stratification in genome-wide association studies." Nature genetics 38.8 (2006): 904-909.
Patterson, Nick, Alkes L. Price, and David Reich. "Population structure and eigenanalysis." PLoS genetics 2.12 (2006): e190.