Discrete Dipole Scattering (DDSCAT) is a Fortran code for calculating scattering and absorption of light by irregular particles and periodic arrangement of irregular particles.
Required Modules
- intel/2013
- {{#lowercase:DDSCAT}}
- intel/2013
- openmpi/1.6.5
- {{#lowercase:DDSCAT}}
System Variables
- HPC_DDSCAT_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_DDSCAT_BIN - program executable directory
If you publish research that uses DDSCAT you have to cite it as follows:
- Review paper is available from J. Opt. Soc. Am. site. Draine, B.T., & Flatau, P.J., "Discrete dipole approximation for scattering calculations", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 11, 1491-1499 (1994)
- Draine, B.T., & Flatau, P.J., "Discrete-dipole approximation for periodic targets: theory and tests", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 25, 2593-2703 (2008).
- P. J. Flatau and B. T. Draine, "Fast near field calculations in the discrete dipole approximation for regular rectilinear grids," Opt. Express 20, 1247-1252 (2012)