Descriptiongaussian website
Gaussian LicensePlease note that Gaussian is restricted software. Users who intend to use it must sign the Gaussian Confidentiality Agreement. This form is available in NPB 2238. You may come by during office hours and sign the agreement. Once the form is signed, you will be added to the "gaussian" user group and will have access to the software. See Gaussian License. Required ModulesSerial
System Variables
PBS Script ExamplesPlease note that our version of Gaussian only supports shared-memory parallelism. This means that if you want to use more than one processor for a Gaussian job, you are limited to the number of processors in a single machine. You cannot run Gaussian 09 across multiple machines on the HPC Center cluster. This forces you to a resource request of the form #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=<N> where N is the number of processors and is constrained as follows: PhaseII: N<=4 PhaseIII: N<=8 PhaseIV: N<=12 PhaseV: N<=16 PhaseII through PhaseV refer to the set of machines we purchased during certain time period. The larger N you request, the more restricted your job will be in terms of resource availability. See the Gaussian_PBS page for gaussian PBS script examples.