SLURM Partition Limits
Different sets of hardware resources presented as SLURM partitions have individual time limits.
Interactive Work
Partitions: hpg-dev, gpu, hpg-ai
- Default time limit if not specified (Default): 10 min
- hpg-dev maximum: 12 hours
- gpu and hpg-ai
- Maximum: 12 hours for srun .... --pty bash -i sessions
- Maximum: 72 hours for Jupyter sesions in Open OnDemand.
- JupyterHub: Sessions are preset with individual limits shown in the menu
- JupyterLab in Open OnDemand Maximum: 72 hours
GPU/HPG-AI Partitions
- Default: 10 min
- Maximum: 7 days
Compute Partitions
- Partitions
- hpg-default, hpg2-compute, bigmem
Investment QOS
- Default: 10 min
- Maximum: 31 days (744 hours)
Burst QOS
- Default: 10 min
- Maximum: 4 days (96 hours)
Hardware Accelerated GUI
- Partition
- hwgui
- Default: 10 min
- Maximum: 4 days (96 hours)