The Models-3/EDSS Input/Output Applications Programming Interface (I/O API) provides the environmental model developer with an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use programming library for data storage and access, available from both Fortran and C. The same routines can be used for both file storage (using netCDF files) and model coupling (using PVM mailboxes). It is the standard data access library for both the NCSC/CMAS's EDSS project and EPA's Models-3. There is a external-package wrapper for the I/O API in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model [WRF], which optionally uses I/O API coupling mode to couple WRF-Chem with SMOKE.
Environment Modules
Run module spider IOAPI
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
System Variables
- HPC_IOAPI_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_IOAPI_LIB - library directory
- HPC_IOAPI_INC - include file directory
- HPC_IOAPI_BIN - executable program directory