Providing Access To Data

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Back to Transfer Data

Within HiPerGator

If you need to share data with another RC user there are two common options to select from.

  • First, a Globus Shared Collection can be created on any directory you own. Either read, write, or read/write access can be granted to any Globus user and revoked at any time.
  • Second, you can submit a support request to have the receiving user added to your group. You may also have to change permissions on the respective directory tree to make the source directory and the files within readable by the receiving user by running 'chmod g+rx <directory>' command on the minimal set of directories that will allow access to the group starting from the source directory and 'chmod g+r *' inside the source directory to make the files readable by the group.
  • In some cases it is possible to set up a filesystem ACL (access control list) to provide more complicated permission structure for a directory tree or file(s) without changing file ownership or linux permissions. We'd be happy to review your request to see whether setting an ACL may help in a particular case.

Outside of HiPerGator

If you need to serve data to the outside either publicly or with password protection for collaborations you can:

  • Set up a shared end-point in Globus as shown above. Either read, write, or read/write access to the SEP can be granted to any Globus user and revoked at will by you. Note that the data does not necessarily have to be in /blue. Log into Globus; go to the 'Groups' menu and select 'Search For Groups'. Search for 'University of Florida Research Computing' and request to be added to the group. Once added, you will be able to install Globus Connect Personal and create a Personal Shared End-Point (PSEP) on your local computer, which will work the same way a SEP works on HiPerGator giving you the flexibility to transfer data either way with any other Globus user.
  • Submit a support request and we'll help you get set up with serving static data from
  • If you want to create your own application for data sharing you can purchase a unit service for our PubApps web application infrastructure.

From HiPerGator to Third-Party Cloud Storage Service

There are 2 recommended options to transfer data directly from HPG to Dropbox/similar services:

Mapping Drives

Map your /blue /orange storages as a drive in your personal computer using the path: \\ For instructions on how to do so, please see Mapping Drive Shares

Open OnDemand

You can use a browser like Firefox from a HPG desktop session using Open OnDemand.

  • Start a new HiPerGator Desktop session in OOD and configure it similarly to the form in the example:
    • Cluster partition (--partition, -p) SET TO gpu
    • Generic Resource Request (--gres). SET TO gpu:geforce:1

  • Start a new terminal from the Desktop session and load Firefox by running:
    • $ module load firefox
    • $ firefox
  • The Firefox browser will start and you should be able to login to your Dropbox account.

  • Open the File System icon and navigate to your desired path, then you should be able to drag and drop files and folders from the file explorer to the Internet browser.