Database Removal Procedure

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Application Databases

Some applications on HiPerGator are configured to create relational databases for the data when they are run. Examples of such applications are PASA, Stacks, and OrthoMCL.

All application databases use 'scratch' storage. As such they can and will be removed without warning three (3) months after their creation or earlier if the space has to be reclaimed. In the latter case you have one week to export data once a written notice has been sent to you via email. Databases can be removed at any time if the username of the person who created them cannot be identified from the database name, which should have an 'application_username_run' pattern to allow for easy user identification. If data retention is required for a longer period of time for an on-going project use the purchase request form on the UFRC website to purchase Database Unit(s). A DBU is for storing up to 1TB of data on our database servers.

Custom Databases

A group can purchase Database Service Unit(s). A DBU is for storing up to 1TB of data on our database servers. Once purchased we will work with you to set up databases and authentication schemas for your group to develop and use a custom relational database for your analyses. Those databases are retained for the duration of the investment and removed only after a series of reminders to renew an investment.

Web Application Databases

Shared environments for Web Application Hosting a.k.a. "PubApps" come with relational database storage. PubApps web application databases are retained for the duration of the investment and are archived along with the web application code after investment expiration until removal at a later date after a series of reminders to renew the PubApps investment.