Difference between revisions of "SAS"

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m (Text replace - "|{{#vardefine:intel|}} <!-- E.g. "11.1" --> |{{#vardefine:mpi|}} <!-- E.g. "openmpi/1.3.4" -->" to "")
m (Text replace - "<!--Compiler and MPI settings - OPTIONAL --> |{" to "|{")
Line 7: Line 7:
<!--Compiler and MPI settings - OPTIONAL -->
|{{#vardefine:exe|1}} <!--Present manual instructions for running the software -->
|{{#vardefine:exe|1}} <!--Present manual instructions for running the software -->
|{{#vardefine:conf|}} <!--Enable config wiki page link - {{#vardefine:conf|1}} = ON/conf|}} = OFF-->
|{{#vardefine:conf|}} <!--Enable config wiki page link - {{#vardefine:conf|1}} = ON/conf|}} = OFF-->

Revision as of 18:13, 10 August 2012


sas website  

SAS is a commercial integrated system for statistical analysis, data mining, and graphics as well as many enterprise oriented additional features. SAS cost and the breadth of SAS features means that both a significant monetary investment and a substantial time investment are required to master it. SAS 9.3 Documentation is vast. For research purposes the SAS 9.3 User's Guide is a thorough reference for the functions and procedures you may need to do the statistical analysis using SAS.

Required Modules

modules documentation


  • sas

How To Run


SAS has a number of options:

Batch Submission

To do a batch submission of a SAS script use the -sysin command line option and write all of your SAS commands in a file. In this way you can submit jobs to the batch queue system to run your jobs on the cluster.

-work directory

SAS is a mature product with a long history behind it. In a modern high-performance environment it means that additional actions need to be taken to mitigate potential issues stemming from SASs focus on filesystem I/O instead of using memory.

Interactive Use

To connect to a test node, for example test01, where you can run the graphical interface to SAS use the following or a similar command on a linux or MacOS X system:

ssh USER@test01.ufhpc -o ForwardX11=yes -o ForwardX11Trusted=yes -o ProxyCommand='ssh USER@submit.hpc.ufl.edu exec nc test01 %p'

or add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host test01
   User USER
   KeepAlive yes
   ProxyCommand ssh USER@submit.hpc.ufl.edu exec nc test01 %p
   ForwardX11 yes
   ForwardX11Trusted yes

where USER is your username. After editing ~/.ssh/config you can just run the following command to connect:

ssh test01

Once connected run

module load sas

PBS Script Examples

Sample Job Script

#PBS -N Research
#PBS -o market.out
#PBS -e market.err
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l pmem=1gb
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00

module load sas
cd /scratch/hpc/USERNAME

sas -memsize 1024M -nodms -nonews -work $TMPDIR -filelocks none -sysin sas.inp