Revision as of 13:41, 9 September 2011 by Hpc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=MAFFT= MAFFT is a multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems. It offers a range of multiple alignment methods, L-INS-i (accurate; for alignment of <…")
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MAFFT is a multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems. It offers a range of multiple alignment methods, L-INS-i (accurate; for alignment of <∼200 sequences), FFT-NS-2 (fast; for alignment of <∼10,000 sequences), etc.


Binaries are located in: /apps/mafft/<version>/bin/
Version installed 9/9/11 is 6.859


  1. MAFFT is compiled to run on multiple cores, use the --thread <cores> option to specify the number of cores to use. Make sure that this number corresponds to the resources requested in your #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=<cores> statement.