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UFRC Consulting service allows a research group to pre-purchase a number of RC staff hours and use RC staff expertise to, for example,

  • Facilitate or accelerate a group project
  • Get priority help in solving an issue
  • Get support for issues that are out of scope of the RC support included with your investment into RC resources. There is no hard limit (TBD), but as an example support effort of any type beyond 1-4 hours of staff time may qualify as requiring consulting.

Purchasing Consulting Hours

To start the consulting process consulting hours need to be pre-purchased using the appropriate purchase form.

Initiating Consulting Effort

Since our staff members have a variety of expertise please open a ticket in our Support System to start a conversation. A project ticket category can be used.

The ticket will allow us to determine who would be the initial person to communicate with your group as we'd like to make sure you get help from a person or people with the right expertise.

For face-to-face interactions, once consulting effort is commenced, organizational calendars or any RC Remote Support method can be used for discussions or meeting scheduling.

Progress Reporting

RC Staff will maintain an accessible document (e.g. a spreadsheet) listing the total and remaining consulting hours and reporting used hours and activities.

A periodic review of the progress towards the originally agreed upon deliverables can and should be scheduled by the research group.