Updating CryoSPARC
If you have a CryoSPARC instance running in PUBAPPS a representative from a group who requested access to the instance can update CryoSPARC when an update becomes available in the interface.
Note: use the correct group name instead of 'GROUP' below.
- Log into the webserver from HiPerGator
$ ssh cryosparc
Note: the above 'cryosparc' profile is configured for the group representative user(s).
- Run a manual database backup in addition to the nightly automated cryosparc database backups:
$ cryosparcm backup --dir=/blue/GROUP/apps/cryosparc/db_backups
- Change into the cryosparc_master directory
$ cd /privapps/GROUP/cryosparc/prod/cryosparc_master/
- Stop the cryosparc instance
$ systemctl --user stop cryosparc
- Update the master
$ cryosparcm update
- Copy the worker update bundle
$ cp cryosparc_worker.tar.gz cryosparc_worker/
- Update the worker
$ cryosparc_worker/bin/cryosparcw update
- Restart cryosparc
$systemctl --user start cryosparc
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