Development and Testing
The test nodes are available for software development and testing. If you need to develop code (i.e., the standard edit, build, test cycle) or test your workflows and scripts before submitting batch jobs, you should use these machines. The software environment on the test nodes is kept consistent with that of the compute nodes so you can run jobs and get an accurate idea of what resources are used.
Please remember that you are not allowed to run user applications on the login nodes. Interactive work of any kind must be performed on a test machine. We ask that you limit the runtime of jobs on the test nodes to thirty minutes or less. Please note that violation of this policy may result in suspension of your UFRC account.
Connect to the cluster ( and use the ssh command to access either of the test servers.
ssh dev1
ssh dev2
Test Queue
There is a test queue you can use to test your job submission scripts. Please visit the Queues page for more information.
Technical specifications
Both dev1 and dev2 have the same technical specifications, as follows:
- Opteron 6378
- 2.4 GHz
- 64 cores
- 256 GB RAM